Interesting stuff 🧁

Only in Portuguese
📌 Canal do prof. Mário César San Felice com muitos conteúdos de algoritmos, estruturas de dados e otimização combinatória
📌 Seminário Brasileiro de Grafos, Algoritmos e Combinatória
📌 Programa Roda Viva: Ciência e Tecnologia (06/nov/2017)
📌 Guia de escrita e edição de textos

In English
📌 Online courses of algorithms, by prof. Tim Roughgarden, from Stanford: part 1 and part 2
📌 Map of computer science
📌 Map of mathematics
📌 Geeks for Geeks
📌 Numberphile
📌 Computerphile
📌 3Blue1Brown
📌 Algorithms Course - Graph Theory Tutorial from a Google Engineer
📌 The History of Undecidability
📌 P vs. NP and the Computational Complexity Zoo
📌 A compendium of NP optimization problems
📌 CrashCourse Computer Science
📌 The Algorithm Design Manual
📌 Humans need not apply
📌 Links to Combinatorial Conferences
📌 The Grammar According to West
📌 Journals (etc.) in Discrete Mathematics and related fields

Carla Negri Lintzmayer -