Lattice pannel - updates

This is an Arduino project that uses the JY-MCU 3208, a Lattice Clock based on the HT1632C Driver. An ENC28J60 Ethernet LAN module is used to retrieve text via HTTP from this site.


A PHP script generates the text in real time for the module while an active page allows the changing of status messages remotely (via Browser or Mobile App).

It is intended to be on display at the front door's side window of my university office, used to show messages and updates to students and collegues.


Message update interface:

Updating status

Accepted codes:  
%s% seconds  
%m% minutes  
%h% hour  
%d% day  
%D% Mon-Sun  
%L% Monday...  
%S% 1st, 2nd...  
%M% month 1-12  
%F% January  
%T% Jan-dec  
%Y% year  
%m%- remaining minutes to HH:MM  
%d%- days to DD/MM/YYYY  
%hora% HH:MM  
%f%-file.txt%% append contents    
Volto em %m%-15:00 minutos  
Volto em %d%-16-06-2014 dias  
Agora estou: %f%-%D%%h%.txt%%