Denis Gustavo Fantinato

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Curriculum Vitae

• 2018 - Today
Assistant Professor at Center for Mathematics, Computing and Cognition (CMCC), Federal University of ABC (UFABC).
2nd Best Paper Award: (Nov/2018) IX Workshop of Robotics in Education, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil.

• 2017 - 2018:
Postdoctoral Researcher at Engineering, Modeling and Applied Social Science Center (CECS), Federal University of ABC (UFABC).
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Aline Neves Panazio (UFABC). Supported by FAPESP.

• 2013 - 2017: PhD. degree at the Department of Computer Engineering and Industrial Automation of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas.
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Romis Ribeiro de Faissol Attux (UNICAMP) and Co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Aline Neves Panazio (UFABC). Supported by FAPESP.
Best Paper Award: (Dec/2014) IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI), Orlando, USA.
Teaching Assistant: (Fev/2015-Jul/2015) Analytic Geometry and Linear Algebra.

• 2012 - 2013: MSc. degree at the Department of Computer Engineering and Industrial Automation of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas.
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Romis Ribeiro de Faissol Attux (UNICAMP) and Co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Aline Neves Panazio (UFABC).
Teaching Assistant: (Jul/2012-Dec/2012) Foundations of Modern Physics.

• 2006 - 2011: B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP).
Internship: (Aug/2010-Jul/2011) IDEA! Electronic Systems, Signal Processing Department.           
Research Project:
"Machine Learning Based on Information Theory" Supported by FAPESP.
                             Supervised by Prof. Dr. Romis Ribeiro de Faissol Attux (UNICAMP) and Co-supervised by Profa. Dra. Aline Neves Panazio (UFABC).
Research Project: (Aug/2008-Jul/2009)
"Study on Unsupervised Equalization Techniques" Supported by FAPESP.
                             Supervised by Prof. Dr. Romis Ribeiro de Faissol Attux (UNICAMP).
Training and Research Project: (July/2007-July/2008) BrazilIP Project - Designer for Integrated Circuits.
Teaching Assistant: (Jul/2007-Dec/2007) Logic Circuits Laboratory.
Guided Study: (Nov/2006-Jul/2008) "Intoduction to Signal Processing" under guidance of Prof. Dr. Romis Ribeiro de Faissol Attux (UNICAMP).

• 2001 - 2004: Chemical Technician degree from Escola Técnica de Paulínia (ETEP).
Internship: Fertilizantes Heringer, Quality Control.


• 2011 - 2012: IDEA! Electronic Systems LTDA.
Signal Processing Engineer.

• 2004 - 2006: WF Electrical and Electronics LTDA-ME.
Attendant / Technical Assistant.

  CV Lattes (in Portuguese):

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