Probabilidade, Processos Estocásticos, e suas Aplicados:

Machine Learning


2017 - Atual: Sistemas Dinâmicos Sujeitos à Incertezas: Modelagem, Filtragem, Controle e Aplicações

Devido a problemas de caracterização de incertezas ou complexidade de diversos sistemas, os modelos estocásticos têm tido um papel fundamental no estudo de sistemas reais. Este projeto de pesquisa tem como objetivo utilizar métodos estocásticos avançados e robustos para solucionar problemas relevantes de modelagem, estimação e controle associados a sistemas sujeitos à incertezas. O projeto contempla diversas questões teóricas e aplicações no tema que denominaremos de sistemas dinâmicos multi-modelo estocásticos, que inclui a classe dos processos de Markov determinísticos por partes (PMDP) e os sistemas com saltos Markovianos (SSM).

Artigos Recentes

Probabilidade, Processos Estocásticos e suas Aplicações

Numerical Method for Ergodic Optimal Control Problems of Switching Stochastic Differential Equations with Reflection
SC Leite, MD Fragoso
59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2020

Switching Diffusion Approximations for Optimal Power Management in Parallel Processing Systems
SC Leite, MD Fragoso, RS Teixeira
To Appear in Stochastic Models 2021

A constrained Langevin approximation for chemical reaction networks
SC Leite, RJ Williams
The Annals of Applied Probability 29 (3), 1541-1608, 8 2019

On Constrained Langevin Equations and (Bio) Chemical Reaction Networks
DF Anderson, DJ Higham, SC Leite, RJ Williams
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 17 (1), 1-30 2019

On the control of power consumption in server farms via heavy traffic approximation
SC Leite, MD Fragoso
53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3683-3688 2014

Reducing Response Time in Fork-Join Systems under Heavy Traffic Via Imbalance Control
SC Leite, MD Fragoso
Advances in Applied Probability 45 (4), 1137-1156 2013

Diffusion approximation for signaling stochastic networks
SC Leite, MD Fragoso
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 123 (8), 2957-2982 2013

Machine Learning

S.M. Villela, S.C. Leite, A.E. Xavier, R. Fonseca Neto
An ordered search with a large margin classifier for feature selection
Applied Soft Computing, 2020, 106930,

A kernel based learning method for non-stationary two-player repeated games
R. Motta, SC Leite, RF Neto
Knowledge-Based Systems Volume 196, 2020

Online Orthogonal Regression Based on a Regularized Squared Loss
R Souza, SC Leite, W Meira, E Hruschka
17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 2018

Incremental p-margin algorithm for classification with arbitrary norm
SM Villela, SC Leite, RF Neto
Pattern Recognition 55, 261-272 2016

Feature selection from microarray data via an ordered search with projected margin
SM Villela, SC Leite, RF Neto
Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2015

Online algorithm based on support vectors for orthogonal regression
RC Souza, SC Leite, CCH Borges, RF Neto
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (12), 1394-1404 2013