I am an assistant professor in the Center for Mathematics, Computing, and Cognition of the Federal University of ABC in Santo André, a city in the São Paulo metropolitan area.
Previously, I was a postdoctoral research associate in the Theory of Computing, Combinatorics, and Optimization group in the Department of Computer Science of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo. Before that, I was a graduate research assistant in the Center for Operations Research at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. And before that, I was a full time lecturer at Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo.
My research focus on the interplay between Combinatorics, Computational Complexity, and Optimization, with an emphasis in the Theory of Boolean Functions and their extensions.
Further information is available through the links below my portrait.
PhD in Operations Research, 2014
RUTCOR, Rutgers University, NJ, USA
MSc in Computer Science, 2001
IME, University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil
BSc in Computer Science, 1996
IME, University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Conferences, Journals, Theses
Current & Past
Best Paper Award runner-up XXXVII Congress of the Brazilian Society for Computing, Theoretical Computer Science track (ETC-CSBC), 2017
Best Student Paper Award International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM), 2012
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest Awards
Honored lecturer at University of Osasco, 2004 and at Anhembi-Morumbi University, 2001
I Have served in the program committee of:
And have refereed for:
I coached the IME-USP teams that took part in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest from 1998 to 2005. See also the Brazilian regional webpage (in Portuguese).
I have worked independently as a consultant for some companies in the past. The nature of those works ranged from optimization and simulation to data analysis and inventory allocation to internet applications and database systems development.
Current & Past