REEffects Software

REEffects software is a free software developed by Everton Constantino to calculate Line Integral Effect (LIE) and Average Integral Effect (AVLIE), calculated using Line Integral from Differential Calculus of Several Variables and Computational Geometry to measure road and edge effects in fragmented landscapes. LIE_road and LIE_edge measure the total sum of the effect of roads (represented by lines) and edges (polygons), respectively, in relation to the forest fragment (point). AVLIE_road and AVLIE_edge measure the average of road and edge effect, respectively, in relation to the same sampling point.

Download the REEffects software: REEffects

Download the User’s manual: How to install and use REEffects Software



FREITAS, S.R.; CONSTANTINO, E.; ALEXANDRINO, M.M. Computational geometry applied to develop new metrics of road and edge effects and their performance to understand the distribution of small mammals in an Atlantic Forest landscape. (in preparation)

FREITAS, S.R.; ALEXANDRINO, M.M.; PARDINI, R.; METZGER, J.P. A model of road effect using line integrals and a test of the performance of two new road indices using the distribution of small mammals in an Atlantic Forest landscape. Ecological Modelling 247: 64-70, 2012. (see also in Publications)